JAM 2019
JAM has had a very exciting year in 2019; so many incredible things have come to this fantastic group of makers.
As of December 31, 2018 – JAM has sold 42,507 #bethekid kid clothing items in 18 months!
We started the year with 4 JAM organizations and ended the year with 23 JAM’s. Eighteen (18) are located in PA, one (1) in Virginia, one (1) in Indiana, one (1) in Oregon, one (1) in Tennessee and one (1) in California!
Our JAM started the year with 60 members and now numbers 80!
JAM was selected as one of the 12 best educational innovative programs in Pittsburgh, PA and was awarded a trip to the HundrED organization in Helsinki Finland.
We were awarded a Grable Foundation Grant to help us continue our mission of making while spreading kindness for the 2019 – 2020 school year.
We developed a new logo that further supports our mission. The shape of the heart is for kindness, the ribbons illustrate our giving and the bolt in the middle of the heart shows our foundation of making.

Each JAM uses the same logo with their school name under the hashtag. A special thanks to Mrs. Kara Reid for creating this new logo for JAM.
JAM held their first pop-up store at Industrious Pittsburgh – it was a wonderful opportunity to watch our members shine while telling our story.
We were invited to the Pittsburgh Riverhounds to pass out our shirts to students attending the game. The jumbotron was used during the game to spread our kindness message.
We continue to learn making skills at our meetings, this year we have made, sensory bottles, hair scrunchies, volcanoes in a bottle, baseball – embroidery – perler bead – tic tac toe – Lego and ice skating tin bins.
We held our second annual Community Kindness evening where we made items for – Meals on Wheels – Animal Friends – Homeless Shelters – Children’s Hospital – The Caring Place and our local food bank. Our “Pie in the Eye” corner netted $500.00 for The Caring Place. Over 300 community members attended this event!
We continue to support our local Meals on Wheels with a monthly contribution of either something we make for them or money we are able to donate to them. In the month of December we donated 65 dozen cookies and $500.00 due to the generosity of the APC staff and the parents and students of JAM.
We are a registered 501c3.
Since our existence we have been able to donate to 40 organizations over $15,000.00!
We can’t wait to see what 2020 brings to JAM! We are committed to spreading our message of making and kindness in and outside of the United States. We thank each and every person that helps us to support our mission – we couldn’t do it without you - #bethekindkid